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Tonys Coffee And Chocolate Shop, Zimbabwe
call+263 78 6838 350
White Star Farm, Whitestones Way Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
call+263 (292) 264 791
Haefeli's, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
call+263 (292) 888 997
Brooks Cafe, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
call+263 (292) 250 728
Deja Vu, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
call+263 778 142 838
National Gallery in Bulawayo, Joshua Nkomo Street, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
call+263 292 67068
Indaba Book Cafe, Josiah Tongogara Road, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Holiday Inn Bulawayo, Milnerton Drive, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
call09 280 410
Canela Coffee Shop/Restaurant, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
call+263(292)733 24
Middy's Coffee Shop, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
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