If you are looking for wood flame-grilled Pork, Steak, Chicken or Fish visit this perfect barbecue place. We preach good vibes only. At Hartsfield Tshisa Nyamawe
Instead of using gas or charcoal, we always recommend that people use wood. A wood flame adds smoky character to the meat, making it taste a whole lot better … and meaning you need fewer spices and flavourings.
Your meat is always dry? That’s because you’re using the wrong cut or the meat has been sliced wrongly. For our Shisa Nyama, we always go for juicy and fatty cuts. That’s because the fat in the steak melts off as the meat is grilled, resulting in a more succulent steak. Rib-eye steak is my favourite cut for this. We make sure it’s cut at a thickness of about two fingers. The thickness of the steak is important to get a juicy steak. Too thin means it will dry out.
Oh, and you shouldn’t marinate red meat! It removes all the natural juices and actually dries it out. The salts in marinades draw out the natural moisture but on request, Hartsfield Tshisa Nyama can Marinade it.
When your fire is at its hottest, we grill the red meat until it is well browned and then remove it and allow it to rest on the side until the heat of the fire has decreased. Then return it to the flame to finish cooking. We only season it after this process. For the kids, our pork ribs are always popular. Hartsfield Tshisa Nyama will just make sure you have an extra sauce with which to keep basting the meat.
We Don’t shy away from seafood on the grill. We do Whole fish that is best wrapped in foil. We are generous with the butter and season it well, sprinkle with lemon juice and wrap it tightly in foil. And our Fish only needs about 15 minutes. We stick it right into the hot coals.
Some people boil the chicken first and then baste it to braai on the fire. But we rather marinate our chicken overnight in a marinade with acid (lemon juice or vinegar), oil and spices. The secret to juicy braaied chicken? is covering your chicken in thick foil and putting it on the grid for a few minutes.
You don’t always have to eat Shisa Nyama with pap. A couscous salad is quick, healthier and won’t leave you feeling heavy. You can also put sweet potato and sweet corn on the grill. Rub your sweet corn with butter afterwards or, if you’re really trying to be fancy, you can even try blue cheese.
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